

popularJLPT N3nounnoun (generic)


Words commonly used in modern Japanese #popular
JLPT N3 words: Intermediate Level #jlpt3
noun (common) (futsuumeishi) #n
noun (generic)
All kinds of Japanese nouns #noun


  • クリスマス


Calendar of special days and celebrations in Japan:1

1月1日元日🎍 New Year's Day
2nd Monday of January成人の日👦 Coming of Age Day
2月11日建国記念の日🎌 National Foundation Day
2月14日バレンタインデー💘 Valentine's Day
3月3日雛祭🎎 Hinamatsuri (Doll's Day or Girls' Day)
3月14日ホワイトデー💟 White Day
3月20日~春分の日🌱 Vernal Equinox Day
4月29日昭和の日Shōwa Day (Shōwa Era Emperor Birthday)
5月3日憲法記念日Constitution Memorial Day
5月4日みどりの日🌲 Greenery Day (Nature day)
5月5日こどもの日🎏 Children's Day
Early MayゴールデンウィークGolden Week
3rd Monday of July海の日🌊 Marine Day
7月7日 or 8月7日七夕🎋 Tanabata (Star Festival)
7月15日お盆Obon (Festival of the Dead)
3rd Monday of September敬老の日👴 Respect for the Aged Day
9月23日~秋分の日🍂 Autumnal Equinox Day
2nd Monday of October体育の日🏃 Health and Sports Day
11月3日文化の日📚 Culture Day
11月15日七五三👧 Shichi-Go-San (Seven-Five-Three)
11月23日勤労感謝の日💼 Labor Thanksgiving Day
12月23日天皇誕生日The Emperor's Birthday
12月25日クリスマス🎅 Christmas
12月31日大晦日Oomisoka (New Year's Eve)
12月31日 at midnight除夜の鐘🔔 Joya-no-kane (New Year bells)

  1. Dates are expressed in Japanese format: monthday日 

クリスマス - Christmas

Japanese Christmas related vocabulary

🎅 Santa Clausサンタクロース
🛷 sledソリ
🦌 reindeerトナカイ
🎄 Christmas treeクリスマスツリー
🌠 Star
🎁 Presentプレゼント
🔔 Bellベル
🎍 Kadomatsu (pine decoration)門松
🍗 Chicken鶏肉
🍰 Christmas cakeクリスマスケーキ
🎶 Christmas carolクリスマスキャロル
✉ Christmas cardクリスマスカード

Japanese Christmas

Japanese traditions in Christmas

Christmas is not a national holiday in Japan, but over time and due to the western influence, some traditions have been imported and adapted to the Japanese culture. Other traditions are exclusively Japanese.

🎄 Christmas tree decorations

It's not common to find the decorated Christmas tree in Japanese homes. However, it can be seen very often in shops and shopping centres.


🍰 Christmas cake

The Japanese Christmas cake is a sponge cake, frosted with whipped cream, often decorated with strawberries, and usually with Santa Claus decoration.


🍗 Chicken

Due to a highly successful marketing campaign that KFC did in the 70s, every year millions of Japanese people do long queues to buy chicken to share with their family. Nowadays, it's the most common meal during Christmas day.


🎁 Presents

Christmas in Japan is seen more as a moment to share happiness rather than a religious festivity. Some people even see it as a romantic day and couples often share meals in romantic restaurants and exchange presents.



Extended information

  • JMDict ID: 1044830
  • JMdictDB entry
  • Short URL:
  • Appears in the "Ichimango goi bunruishuu", Senmon Kyouiku Publishing, Tokyo, 1998.
  • Common loanword, based on the wordfreq file.

Example sentences