
List: Genki 1

Just from YouTube videos of ToKini Andy.

List: Genki 1
Just from YouTube videos of ToKini Andy.
Number of entries
Creation date
31 January 2024 - 13:52
Last updated
8 March 2024 - 14:34
Showing 121 - 130 of 161 words for the list Genki 1.

Wordpopular  rarely used kanji form  search-only kanji form  JLPT N2  usually written using kana alone  noun  noun (generic) 

  • between-meal snack
  • mid-afternoon (around 3 o'clock) snack, afternoon refreshment, afternoon tea

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  noun  noun (generic) 

  • back
  • reverse, rear side, back (e.g. of a chair), spine (of a book)
  • height, stature
  • ridge (of a mountain)

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  ใ„ adjective  adjective (generic) 

  • low (rank, degree, value, content, quality, etc.)
  • low (position), close to the ground
  • short (height)
  • deep (voice), in a low key, low (volume)
้ ญใ‚ใŸใพatama

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  noun  noun (generic)  abbreviation  colloquial  mahjong 

  • head
  • hair (on one's head)
  • mind, brains, intellect
  • leader, chief, boss, captain
  • top, tip
  • beginning, start
  • head, person
  • down payment, deposit
  • top structural component of a kanji
  • pair

Wordirregular okurigana  archaic  prefix  noun  noun (generic)  ใช adjective  adjective (generic) 

  • great, grand, large
  • greater (of equal court ranks), upper, senior
  • a great deal, very much

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  ใ„ adjective  adjective (generic) 

  • big, large, great
  • loud
  • extensive, spacious
  • important, decisive, valuable
  • older, grown up

Wordpopular  JLPT N5  noun  noun (generic)  suffix  usually written using kana alone 

  • eye, eyeball
  • eyesight, sight, vision
  • look, stare, gaze, glance
  • notice, attention, observation, eyes (of the world, public, etc.)
  • an experience
  • viewpoint
  • discrimination, discernment, judgement, eye (e.g. for quality)
  • (an) appearance
  • chance (of success), possibility (of a good result)
  • spacing (between crossed strands of a net, mesh, etc.), opening, stitch, texture, weave
  • grain (of wood, paper)
  • eye (of a storm, needle, etc.)
  • intersection (on a go board), square (on a chessboard)
  • dot (on a dice), pip, rolled number
  • graduation, division (of a scale)
  • tooth (of a saw, comb, etc.)
  • ordinal number suffix
  • somewhat, -ish
  • point (e.g. of change)

Wordpopular  obsolete kanji  JLPT N5  noun  noun (generic)  adverb 

  • noon, midday
  • daytime
  • lunch

Wordpopular  JLPT N3  usually written using kana alone  expression  adverb 

  • any, anything, whatever, whatever one likes, everything, all
  • I am told, I hear, I understand, they say

Wordpopular  noun  noun (generic) 

  • marriage ceremony, wedding, nuptials
