List: FGO
Palavras encontradas durante o estudo do japonรชs jogando fate
List: FGO
- Description
- Palavras encontradas durante o estudo do japonรชs jogando fate
- Visibility
- Public
- Owner
- Shawdon255
- Number of entries
- 159
- Contains
- Words
- Creation date
- 29 August 2024 - 20:26
- Last updated
- 18 November 2024 - 23:40
Wordpopular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic)
- period, term, interval
Wordpopular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) counter
- variety, kind, type, category
- counter for kinds, species, etc.
Wordpopular JLPT N1 noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb
- acquisition, obtaining, procurement, getting (hold of)
Wordpopular JLPT N4 noun noun (generic) noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ adjective (generic) grammar
- man, male
- masculine gender
Wordpopular JLPT N2 noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ intransitive verb
- entrance (on the stage), appearance (in a book, film, etc.)
- appearance (on the scene), arrival (on the market), emergence, introduction, advent
Wordpopular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb
- use, application, employment, utilization, utilisation
Wordpopular JLPT N1 ใช adjective adjective (generic) noun noun (generic)
- simple, simplified
- easy, plain
Wordnoun noun (generic)
- frequency, rate of occurrence
Wordpopular JLPT N4 noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb
- plans, arrangement, schedule, program, programme, expectation, estimate
Wordpopular noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ intransitive verb
- counterattack