List: rarely used kana form
popular rarely used kana form obsolete reading noun noun (generic)
- moonlit night
popular rarely used kana form search-only kanji form noun noun (generic) abbreviation
- tortoiseshell, tortoise shell
- tortoiseshell pattern, honeycomb pattern, hexagonal pattern
- tortoiseshell bracket (punctuation mark)
popular rarely used kana form noun noun (generic)
- earthenware pot
gairaigo Chinese origin popular rarely used kana form search-only kana form food, cooking noun noun (generic)
- gyoza, pot sticker, crescent-shaped pan-fried dumplings stuffed with minced pork and vegetables
popular rarely used kana form JLPT N1 noun noun (generic)
- garage
popular rarely used kana form noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb sports
- mix, mixture, mixing
- (pre-made) mix, cake mix
- mixed doubles team
- mixed race, mixed-race person
popular rarely used kana form search-only kana form JLPT N5 noun noun (generic)
- sweater, jumper
popular rarely used kana form JLPT N1 noun noun (generic)
- tire, tyre
popular rarely used kana form rarely used kanji form JLPT N1 ใ adjective adjective (generic)
- sleepy, drowsy
popular rarely used kana form JLPT N2 noun noun (generic) adverb
- in three days' time, two days after tomorrow