List: word containing irregular kana usage
Readings considered non-standard, infrequent, coloquial or dialectical.
popular irregular reading medicine noun noun (generic)
- shingles, herpes zoster
popular irregular reading noun noun (generic) noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ adjective (generic)
- ancient times (e.g. Heian and Nara periods in Japan), remote ages, early history
- (nominal) retail price
popular irregular reading search-only kanji form ใ adjective adjective (generic)
- formal, stiff, strict, ceremonious
popular irregular reading noun noun (generic)
- intermission (between acts), interlude
popular irregular reading noun noun (generic)
- red-blossomed plum tree, red Japanese apricot
popular irregular reading pre-noun adjectival adjective (generic)
- outrageous, wild (ambition, idea, etc.), crazy, inordinate, extravagant (e.g. claims), audacious, reckless, thoughtless, monstrous, appalling
popular irregular reading irregular kanji usage noun noun (generic)
- geisha
popular irregular reading noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb
- successful execution, accomplishment, completion, fulfillment, carrying through
popular irregular reading JLPT N4 noun noun (generic)
- announcer, presenter, broadcaster, reporter
- in-house television talent who does on-location fluff pieces for variety shows
gairaigo German origin popular irregular reading JLPT N3 physics noun noun (generic) abbreviation
- energy
- energy, strength, power, stamina, get-up-and-go
- energy source, energy resource
- food energy, calories