List: gikun (meaning as reading) or jukujikun (special kanji reading)
Gikun and jukujikun are readings of kanji combinations that have no direct correspondence to the characters' individual on'yomi or kun'yomi readings.
gikun or jukujikun usually written using kana alone noun noun (generic)
- Japanese box tree (Buxus microphylla var. japonica), Japanese boxwood
popular gikun or jukujikun search-only kana form search-only kanji form JLPT N4 usually written using kana alone ă adjective adjective (generic)
- funny, amusing, comical, laughable, ridiculous
- strange, odd, funny, peculiar, weird, wrong, unusual, eccentric
- wrong, unsuitable, improper, inappropriate, unbecoming
- suspicious
gairaigo Russian origin gikun or jukujikun usually written using kana alone noun noun (generic)
- walrus (Odobenus rosmarus)
- elephant seal (Mirounga spp.)
gikun or jukujikun obsolete reading usually written using kana alone noun noun (generic)
- sea cucumber (Holothuroidea spp.)
popular gikun or jukujikun rarely used kanji form usually written using kana alone noun noun (generic)
- dolphin (or other small toothed whales, incl. porpoises, belugas, etc.)
gikun or jukujikun usually written using kana alone noun noun (generic)
- lye
- harsh taste, bitter taste, alkaline taste, astringency
- scum (on a soup, broth etc.)
- (excessive) self-assertiveness, strong individuality, strong idiosyncrasy
popular gikun or jukujikun rarely used kanji form usually written using kana alone noun noun (generic)
- dandelion (esp. species Taraxacum platycarpum)
popular gikun or jukujikun rarely used kanji form JLPT N3 usually written using kana alone onomatopoeic or mimetic word noun or participle taking the aux. verb ăă verb (generic) noun (generic) intransitive verb adverb noun or verb acting prenominally adjective (generic)
- to be surprised, to be amazed, to be frightened, to be astonished, to get startled, to jump
- surprise (e.g. surprise party)
gikun or jukujikun usually written using kana alone noun noun (generic)
- game fowl, gamecock
gikun or jukujikun rarely used kanji form search-only kanji form usually written using kana alone noun noun (generic)
- sunflower (Helianthus annuus)