
List: noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru

Showing 11 - 20 of 13996 words for the list noun or participle which takes the aux. verb suru. #vs

popular  JLPT N3  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb する  transitive verb  mathematics 

  • judgment, judgement, decision, conclusion, adjudication
  • divination
  • judgement

popular  JLPT N4  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb する  intransitive verb  noun taking the genitive case particle の  adjective (generic)  な adjective 

  • opposition, resistance, antagonism, hostility, objection, dissent
  • reverse, opposite, inverse, contrary

popular  JLPT N3  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb する  transitive verb 

  • sales, selling, marketing

popular  JLPT N3  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb する  transitive verb 

  • criticism, judgement, judgment, comment

popular  JLPT N3  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb する  intransitive verb  grammar  sumo 

  • change, variation, alteration, mutation, transition, transformation, transfiguration, metamorphosis
  • variety, diversity
  • inflection, declension, conjugation
  • sidestepping

popular  JLPT N1  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb する  transitive verb 

  • protection, safeguard, guardianship, custody, patronage
  • preservation, conservation

popular  JLPT N3  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb する  transitive verb 

  • report, information

popular  search-only kanji form  JLPT N1  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb する  transitive verb 

  • report (of news), reporting, news, information, (media) coverage

popular  JLPT N3  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb する  transitive verb 

  • broadcasting, broadcast, program, announcement

popular  JLPT N3  noun  noun (generic)  noun or participle taking the aux. verb する  transitive verb  noun taking the genitive case particle の  adjective (generic) 

  • call, visit
