List: interjection (kandoushi)
Spoken or written expressions of emotion.
popular search-only kana form JLPT N1 interjection noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ใใ transitive verb intransitive verb
- OK, okay
- fine (without), not needed, unnecessary, all right
search-only kana form interjection
- all right (e.g. when guiding a driver), keep coming, OK, I've got it
- au revoir, good-bye
- Good luck
gairaigo German origin interjection
- good skiing!
card games noun noun (generic) colloquial interjection
- I doubt it (card game), cheat, bluff, bullshit
- I doubt that, no way, you're fibbing
gairaigo French origin search-only kana form interjection
- excellent, splendid, very good
gairaigo English origin interjection
- don't worry about it, never mind, it's OK
sports noun noun (generic) interjection
- nice shot (esp. in golf)
gairaigo waseigo English origin sports interjection noun noun (generic)
- time in
- making a move immediately (in a timed game of shogi, go, etc.)