List: interjection (kandoushi)
Spoken or written expressions of emotion.
gairaigo French origin popular interjection
- thank you
popular search-only kana form ใช adjective adjective (generic) noun noun (generic) interjection
- lucky
- nice!, score!, bingo!
popular irregular reading JLPT N3 interjection prefix
- no
- no, without, not needed, not allowed
popular interjection
- viva
rarely used kanji form search-only kanji form interjection
- give it a try!
gairaigo Spanish origin interjection
- adios, goodbye
JLPT N1 adverb interjection
- now, come (now), well
interjection Kyoto-ben
- welcome!
- my goodness!, oh my!, oh dear!
popular rarely used kanji form search-only kanji form usually written using kana alone polite language noun noun (generic) interjection
- the end, closing, being done for
- that's it, that's enough, that's all