List: slang
Informal words or expressions likely to be interpreted by listeners as implying particular attitudes on the part of the speaker.

popular search-only kana form JLPT N5 noun noun (generic) counter slang usually written using kana alone card games mahjong noun (prefix)
- mountain, hill
- mine
- (mountain) forest
- heap, pile, stack, mountain
- protruding or high part of an object, crown (of a hat), thread (of a screw), tread (of a tire)
- climax, peak, critical point
- guess, speculation, gamble
- (criminal) case, crime
- mountain climbing, mountaineering
- festival float (esp. one mounted with a decorative halberd)
- deck (from which players draw cards), draw pile, stock
- wall, wall tile
- wild
popular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) slang noun (prefix) ใช adjective adjective (generic) honorific language archaic
- god, deity, divinity, spirit, kami
- incredible, fantastic, amazing
- Emperor (of Japan)
- thunder
popular JLPT N5 noun noun (generic) slang
- vegetable
- marijuana, cannabis
popular search-only kana form JLPT N4 noun noun (generic) slang sumo go (game)
- star (usu. excluding the Sun), planet (usu. excluding Earth), heavenly body
- star (glyph, symbol, shape), asterisk
- star (actor, player, etc.)
- dot, spot, fleck
- bullseye
- perp, perpetrator, culprit, offender, suspect
- one's star (that determines one's fate), one's fortune
- point, score
- star point (intersection marked with a dot), hoshi
- (pyrotechnic) star
popular JLPT N2 noun noun (generic) slang ใช adjective adjective (generic)
- radio wave, reception, signal
- saying strange things
popular JLPT N1 noun noun (generic) usually written using kana alone slang suffix
- attack, offence, offense, assault
- top (dominant partner of a homosexual relationship)
- barrage (of), flood (of)
popular search-only kanji form JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) slang abbreviation derogatory noun (suffix) food, cooking counter
- ball, sphere, globe, orb
- bead (of sweat, dew, etc.), drop, droplet
- ball (in sports), pitch (e.g. in baseball)
- pile (of noodles, etc.)
- bullet
- bulb (i.e. a light bulb)
- lens (of glasses, etc.)
- bead (of an abacus)
- ball (i.e. a testicle)
- gem, jewel (esp. spherical; sometimes used figuratively), pearl
- female entertainer (e.g. a geisha)
- person (when commenting on their nature), character
- item, funds or person used as part of a plot
- egg
- okonomiyaki
- coin
- precious, beautiful, excellent
popular rarely used kanji form JLPT N4 noun noun (generic) archaic slang prefix Internet slang expression
- grass, weed, herb, thatch
- ninja
- marijuana, cannabis
- not genuine, substandard
- LOL, haha
popular noun noun (generic) noun (suffix) usually written using kana alone slang
- popularity, favour, favor, reception
- defense, defence, reputation
- agreement
- receiver of technique (e.g. in martial arts)
- bottom (submissive partner of a homosexual relationship)
popular JLPT N5 noun noun (generic) abbreviation usually written using kana alone slang
- cat (esp. the domestic cat, Felis catus)
- shamisen
- geisha
- wheelbarrow
- clay bed-warmer
- bottom (submissive partner of a homosexual relationship)