List: proverb
Simple and concrete saying, popularly known and repeated, that expresses a truth based on common sense or experience.
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- children pay back their debt to their parents in full by age 3 (through their cuteness)
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- a woman has no home of her own in this world (because she has to obey her parents when she is young, her husband when she gets married, and her children when she is old)
proverb expression
- the misfortune of others tastes as sweet as honey
proverb expression godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic)
- good advice is harsh to the ear
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- the reality always falls short of the fame, local specialties rarely taste good
proverb expression
- the most helpful advice may be difficult to listen to, good medicine tastes bitter
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- children grow up watching their parents
proverb expression
- children are a reflection of their parents
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- children are a reflection of their parents
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- children are oblivious to the cold, children are children of the wind