List: popular word
Words commonly used in modern Japanese
popular search-only kanji form JLPT N4 noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ adjective (generic) noun noun (generic) obsolete term
- international
- diplomatic intercourse
popular obsolete reading noun noun (generic) noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ adjective (generic)
- internal, domestic
popular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) abbreviation
- people (of a country), nation, citizen, national
- Democratic Party for the People
popular JLPT N1 abbreviation noun noun (generic)
- United Nations, UN
popular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) adverb
- this time, now
popular JLPT N5 noun noun (generic) adverb
- this month
popular JLPT N3 noun noun (generic) adverb
- from now on, hereafter
popular JLPT N5 noun noun (generic) noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ adjective (generic)
- left, left-hand side
- left hand
- the left (wing), leftist
- fondness for alcohol, drinker
popular obsolete reading JLPT N3 adverb
- most, extremely
popular JLPT N4 noun noun (generic) noun taking the genitive case particle ใฎ adjective (generic) adverb
- recently, lately, these days, nowadays, right now
- nearest, closest