List: manga slang
Words used in the Japanese comic book world.
search-only kanji form manga slang noun noun (generic)
- drawing every character in a similar way, same face syndrome
manga slang noun noun (generic)
- riding beast (other than a horse), cavalry beast
manga slang noun noun (generic)
- tight shirt, etc. over protruding breasts
manga slang noun noun (generic)
- summoned creature, summoned beast
manga slang noun noun (generic)
- vital point, pressure point, area of the human body which causes a supernatural effect when struck
manga slang jocular, humorous term noun noun (generic)
- very large pecs (on a man)
onomatopoeic or mimetic word manga slang expression
- ding, ping
manga slang noun noun (generic) baseball
- wielding three swords
- player who can play as pitcher, fielder and batter
vulgar expression or word manga slang noun noun (generic)
- clothing drawn as if were clinging to the breasts of a character
manga slang noun noun (generic)
- euphoric face (from taking drugs)