List: idiomatic expression
Expressions, words, or phrases that have a figurative meaning conventionally understood by native speakers.
search-only kanji form idiomatic expression expression godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic)
- to have one's teeth set on edge, to become annoyed
- to get loose teeth
search-only kanji form idiomatic expression expression ã adjective adjective (generic)
- unable to compete with, not able to make a dent in (e.g. a problem), not able to get a solid hit in (e.g. in a fight)
- hard to chew
idiomatic expression expression godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic)
- to bear up in tragedy, to stand pain well, to hold one's temper
- to clench one's teeth, to grit one's teeth
idiomatic expression noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb ãã intransitive verb
- not giving up, keeping at it until one succeeds, falling seven times, getting up eight
- the vicissitudes of life, the ups and downs of life
expression godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) idiomatic expression
- to cut one's hand
- to cut one's connections (with), to break off relations (with), to cut ties (with), to break away (from), to part ways (with), to cease to deal with
idiomatic expression expression godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic)
- to cut corners, to be shoddy, to slack off, to go easy (on an opponent), to hold back (in a competition, fight, etc.)
idiomatic expression expression godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic)
- to fire from a job, to dismiss, to discharge
- to behead
search-only kanji form idiomatic expression expression suru verb verb (generic)
- to eagerly look forward to
idiomatic expression expression
- looking the other way, hushing up a problem
idiomatic expression expression noun noun (generic)
- something that comes too late and is useless, chrysanthemum blooming on the 10th (i.e. one day too late for the Chrysanthemum Festival)