List: historical term
gairaigo German origin historical term noun noun (generic)
- kaiser, emperor
rarely used kanji form search-only kanji form historical term noun noun (generic)
- tooth blackening
- tooth-blackening dye
onomatopoeic or mimetic word adverb adverb taking the ใจ particle ใช adjective adjective (generic) historical term noun noun (generic)
- kapow, bang, slap, clap
- bulging, filled to bursting
- prostitute (catering to Occupation soldiers in Japan after WWII)
ateji rarely used kanji form usually written using kana alone historical term noun noun (generic)
- Cambria (old name for Wales)
historical term noun noun (generic)
- galley (ship)
- galley (kitchen of a ship or aircraft)
gairaigo Portuguese origin popular ateji rarely used kanji form usually written using kana alone historical term noun noun (generic)
- Christianity (in feudal Japan), Christian
gairaigo Chinese origin historical term usually written using kana alone noun noun (generic)
- coolie
gairaigo Russian origin historical term noun noun (generic)
- glasnost (Soviet policy of openness in the 1980s)
historical term noun noun (generic)
- Komsomol (youth division of the Soviet Communist Party)
historical term noun noun (generic)
- kolkhoz (collective farm in the Soviet Union)