List: colloquial
Words not used in formal speech, writing or paralinguistics.
usually written using kana alone い adjective adjective (generic) colloquial
- salty
- calculating, stingy
- scowling, grimacing, frowning
- hoarse
- inferior, poor, boring, dull
noun noun (generic) colloquial obsolete term
- Yellow Peril (alleged threat to Western civilization posed by East Asians)
- harm caused by dumping human waste from train toilets onto the track
noun noun (generic) colloquial
- wearing wooden clogs
- floatplane
gairaigo Dutch origin ateji usually written using kana alone abbreviation noun noun (generic) colloquial
- potassium
- potash, potassium carbonate
colloquial noun noun (generic)
- house search (e.g. by the police)
noun noun (generic) noun or participle taking the aux. verb する intransitive verb colloquial
- charging (a fee), billing, charge
- paying for virtual goods or premium features (in a video game, on a social networking service, etc.), microtransaction
adverb colloquial
- suddenly, all of a sudden, abruptly
- very, absolutely, by far
usually written using kana alone colloquial noun noun (generic) Buddhism
- brat, kid, urchin, little devil
- preta, hungry ghost
noun noun (generic) colloquial abbreviation
- every station
- local train, train that stops at every station
vulgar expression or word expression godan verb godan verb (archaic) verb (generic) colloquial
- to perform anal sex (between men), to bugger, to sodomize, to sodomise
- to crash a car into the back of another, to rear-end