List: archaic
Words or expressions no longer current or that are current only within a few special contexts.
archaic expression
- it is so, it is as such
archaic expression interjection
- indeed, it is so, I concur, it is so
archaic expression
- surely, certainly, no doubt
archaic expression
- be that as it may
archaic adverb
- such and such
archaic conjunction
- but, however
archaic onomatopoeic or mimetic word adverb adverb taking the ăš particle
- all together in a line, all together in a lump
- dressed sloppily, overdressed for the occasion
archaic expression
- must not be concluded like this, shall not finish like this
archaic male term noun noun (generic) humble language pronoun
- poor and careless way of living
- I, me, my humble self
humble language archaic male term pronoun
- I, me, my humble self