List: search-only kana form
popular search-only kana form JLPT N1 noun noun (generic) sports
- online
- on the line (of a ball; in tennis, volleyball, etc.)
popular rarely used kana form search-only kana form JLPT N1 noun noun (generic)
- cocktail
gairaigo Italian origin popular search-only kana form music noun noun (generic)
- quartet
popular search-only kana form noun noun (generic)
- gadget
popular search-only kana form noun noun (generic) computing
- key word, key phrase, clue
- keyword, search term, index term
popular search-only kana form noun noun (generic) fishing
- casting (of roles)
- casting
popular search-only kana form baseball noun noun (generic)
- catcher
- catcher (person or device)
popular search-only kana form JLPT N1 noun noun (generic)
- career, occupation
- personal history, professional experience
- government employee who has passed the highest national civil service exam
popular search-only kana form noun noun (generic)
- Canberra (Australia)
popular search-only kana form noun noun (generic)
- gear